mgm Q12-ATA – Automated Test Automation

Model-driven UI test automation for extensive forms

mgm Q12 Automated Test Automation (ATA)

  • The tool generates test automation code for QF-Test directly from A12 data and UI models
  • Q12-ATA interpreter precisely controls all A12 widgets on the UI through QF-Test
  • It uses test data provided by Q12-TDG or by the user
  • A12 forms can be automatically filled and checked with minimal effort
  • Model-driven automation allows testing early in the development process
mgm Q12-ATA simplifies the automation of end-to-end tests for A12 applications.

It reliably generates test code from data and UI models, enabling fast form validation and automated end-to-end tests.

Generates test code from A12 data and UI models for QF-Test automation.

Takes over automated filling and checking of extensive forms, saving considerable implementation and maintenance overhead in automation.

When changes occur in A12 models and therefore in forms, Q12-ATA generates new test code so that tests can run immediatly.

Simplifies and accelerates test automation, especially for extensive forms.

Integrates with QF-Test and uses valid test data from the mgm Q12-TDG.

For test automation professionals:
Q12-ATA enables fast and efficient test automation of extensive A12 forms and reduces implementation and maintenance overhead in automation. It is ideal for early UI testing despite ongoing adjustments without falling into the maintenance trap of automated tests.
For form application development teams:
Q12-ATA simplifies and accelerates test automation by generating new test code with each change to the A12 models.
For test and quality managers:
Q12-ATA improves test coverage and QA efficiency by seamlessly verifying changes to forms saving considerable implementation and maintenance overhead in automation.

Feature Highlights

Automated Code Generation
  • Generates test code from A12 models
  • Automated filling and checking of extensive forms
  • Easily integrates into End-to-End Tests
  • Leverages Scopes and SmartIDs
Seamless Integration
  • Uses A12 Models
  • Uses Q12-QF-Test
  • Uses Q12-TDG for test data
  • Links test code with test data
Efficient End-to-End Automation
  • Generates test code for UI automation
  • Automatically fills and checks forms
  • Considerably reduces implementation and maintenance overhead in automation
Flexibility and Usability
  • Model-based framework for early UI test automation
  • Supports tools like Playwright or Cypress
  • Independent of test case generators
Productivity Boost
  • Automates routine tasks
  • Frees testers for other responsibilities
  • Delivers scalable results
  • Increased automation even with frequent changes
  • More automation without falling into the maintenance trap of automated tests
  • Fast delivery of low-maintenance regression tests
  • Flexible and frequent end-to-end test execution
  • Enhanced test coverage
  • Significant time and resource savings


Lilia Gargouri
mgm technology partners