Public Sector by mgm

Digital Transformation.
Digital Sovereignty.

We enable the federal, state and local governments to fully digitize their services.


Showcase demonstrates OpenTalk integration in A12


Low-code and AI – hot topics at our events in 2025


Modernisation of specialist procedures: challenges and solutions

Our contribution to the digital sovereignty of public organisations.

As IT consulting and software development company, we address customer needs in terms of architecture, technologies and software implementation.

With our enterprise low code platform A12, we are also establishing a basis for the large scale improvement of administrative applications in Germany.

A12 Low Code Platform as Building Block for Federal and State Government Organisations

  • Modernization of registries
  • Administrative procedures
  • Online services

Authorities need partners

  • Developing government applications togetherwith specialist departments
  • Implementing and using agile methods and models
  • Dealing with rapid change
  • Discuss and develop innovations with the public sector

Over 200 experts, consultants, business analysts and developers focus on public administration since 2006

Administrative services must become even simpler and faster in the future.

We are creating positive digital experiences for employees in the public administrations, as well as for citizens and companies in Germany.

Bereichsleiter Public Sector

Our Topics

AI in public administration

Easily find AI use cases in public authorities with the mgm AI workshop

Our workshop takes you from the very beginning – whether you are new to the field or already experienced in AI. We provide basic and practical knowledge, identify possible AI application areas, develop a strategy, show how concrete implementation can be achieved and substantiate your own use cases from the public authority's day-to-day work. This is how we create real AI added value for you.


The construction kit for digital administration

MODUL-F is aimed at the entire German administration. Pilot projectswill initially be launched at the federal level by the end of 2022. From 2023 onwards administrations will be able to use the platform for administrative procedures.


DIgital TAx

Elster is a project launched in 1996 by German tax administrations of all states and the federal government toprocess tax returns and tax registrations via the Internet. The nationwide coordinator of the project is the Bavarian State Tax Office in Munich.

EfA: OZG-Cloud


With the OZG-Cloud, the municipalities in Schleswig-Holstein are provided with a tool with which they can process administrative requests from online services in their administration. The application is developed as one-for-all service (EfA).

Citizen Service 4.0


Strategy development
IT Management(Agile) Transformation Management
Change and Communication
Individual Software Development
Online services
Administrative procedures
Authentication / authega
Company and user accounts
Lowcode platform
Model-based development
Management portals
Forms and public service applications


Memberships and cooperations

Verband der mittelständischen IT-Dienstleister und Softwarehersteller für den öffentlichen Sektor e.V.
Institut für Digitalisierung im Steuerrecht
Infrastrukturfür die Verifikation von Identitätsdaten
Nationales E-Government Kompetenzzentrum
Rheinisch-Westfälische Technische Hochschule Aachen
In the future, the population and companies will expect a smart experience with digital administrative services.

Public authorities can achieve the necessary digital sovereignty through appropriate systems and know-how.“

Roland Kreutzer
Partner und Leiter Beratung Public Sector
Who we work for:
We define our success by the number of systems put into production and their contribution to the business success of our customers.

Public Sector insights

More Public Sector-Related News
Read more about Public Sector-related Projects, Themes and Technology on our mgm insights blog:

Motivated, cooperative, talented. We live for our projects.